Dedicated Development Team
Tortoise Mode
On-demand, ad hoc maintenance for emergency support or small bug fixes here or there. All work is typically estimated ahead of time and work does not start until approved by the client.
- Code Cleanup
- Regular Fixes and Minor Enhancement
Sane Mode
Dedicated team of 2 junior developers working at a normal pace with support staff rolling on and off as needed to assist. Work is typically steady with high visibility for months at a time.
- Minimal Production Support
- Minor Enhancements or Bug Fixes
- Non-Urgent, but Ongoing Feature Development
Insane Mode
Dedicated team of 2 associates, 1 senior developer, architect, Ul/UX, QA, and project manager working on fast-paced feature development or a high volume of regular enhancements, tweaks, or bug fixes. Expectation is rapid development and testing cycles with regular releases and high involvement from the client and key stakeholders.
- Design to MVP: 2 to 4 months
- MVP to V1: 2 to 6 months
- Project Rescue: 2 to 3 months
- Ongoing development and supporting live users every day
Fixed Price
If you have clear, well-defined requirements, you might prefer our fixed-price model. You’ll pay a certain amount that we agree on for a defined amount of work, making this a simple, transparent deal.
- Know exactly what you’re getting up front, and how much it will be
- Requires no change in price unless your needs change
- Can be split and paid in milestones
- Upgrade or cancel anytime